This COST Action aims to address the need for increased productivity, efficiency, and environmental sustainability in agri-food systems, driven by global population growth. To achieve this, agri-food decision-making has to be informed by the best available evidence.
The proposed action seeks to establish an international, European-based hub and network dedicated to supporting and promoting the use of evidence syntheses (ES) in agri-food systems. ES methods systematically collate and evaluate existing evidence to inform new studies and decision-making, ensuring validity, efficiency, and accessibility. By embracing the ES approach, stakeholders can enhance the quality of decision-making processes -underpinned by robust and unbiased evidence – while saving valuable time in achieving sustainability. ES is increasingly used to support agri-food decision making, but the community is disparate and unconnected, impacting on the efficiency of methods and uptake.
The objectives of NESA are to raise awareness among decision-makers and academia about the value of ES; to enhance the European capacity for delivery of robust evidence syntheses; and to facilitate their use for informed decision-making. This initiative will enable all parties to make informed decisions and contribute to the broader context of the agri-food sector’s development. The proposal emphasizes the involvement of various stakeholders in prioritizing and utilising ES to guide the transition towards sustainable development in the agri-food sector.
EU-NESA recognizes the rapid development and impact potential of ES in addressing the challenges faced by the agri-food sector. The establishment and activities of the EU-NESA Action will foster collaboration and knowledge exchange to drive sustainable practices.
Project funding:
EU COST Programme
Period of project implementation: 2024-10-01 - 2028-09-30
Project partners: Albania, Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Slovakia, United Kingdom, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Poland, Portugal, Turkey